You can’t transcend ego through human effort

You can’t transcend ego through human effort

In 2022 during a 4.5 month inner voicing retreat, I came to recognize ego and experience glimpses of a life beyond it, where there's a lived realization of being the being through the human acting, without the perception of separation.

Though I recognized it and at times experienced life beyond it, I could not free myself from it. When I would experience life beyond it, the next thing the egoic mind would do is attempt to hold onto that experience by trying to get rid of the ego. But as soon as…

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Why I don’t believe “I am enough”

Why I don’t believe “I am enough” v2

Back in 2017, I followed the internet trend of writing “I am enough” in bold red lipstick on my mirror. Looking at those words every day for months, it changed something psychologically inside me. Something invited beyond the mind’s perception of my smallness to see the inner sufficiency that fully exists here.

But years deeper into my journey, I no longer believe “I am enough”. I don’t write it on my mirror. I don’t chant it as a mantra. And I don’t teach it to others.

Nor am I here to someho…

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Life without masks

Life without masks

Two weeks ago my health crashed. Symptoms of pain after eating heavy food, which I’d experienced on and off for months became impossible to ignore. Now two weeks of mostly-liquid fasting later, I’m finally facing the results of overwhelming my system with too much, in so many ways.

But that’s been the way of things for a long time. We don’t want to look at what isn’t working. So we sweep it under the rug, hide under the couch cushions, shove it into dark closets that we never dare to open.


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Why inner voice led evolving doesn't lead to higher energy

Why inner voice led evolving doesn't lead to higher energy

For years deep transformational insights have been pouring through me, and I've spent most of my time processing what I've received for my own growth and developing ways to serve it up to transform others.

At the same time, I'm sitting with a perception that what all humans want, and therefore what I have to deliver to make any sales in business, is higher energy.

Relief from low energy, depression, anxiety, stuckness. Bliss. Ecstasy. 

Continual high energy and no pain seems to be the fantasy…

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Why inner voice work is an ideal way to come to life direction clarity

Life direction clarity

I recently read a blog post where the author described his experience with “the abyss”, a situation he found himself in after spending years building up a successful business, only to discover it just doesn’t feel like the thing he’s here on this planet to create.

That niggling feeling of unclarity around your life direction, what you’re here for, what you’re about, what your potential is seems so common — far more common than a pervasive confidence that you know what you’re born to do.


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The frozen picture

The frozen picture

The girl was 8 years old when she drew a picture of her family. That’s my dad, my mom, my younger sister, my older brother, she decided. And that’s me. Each character was colorful, with multi hues that crayons could create.

It wasn’t just a kid-art paper to hang on a wall for a few months. It was a culmination of years of forming identity, a place in the world, and understanding of what each member of her family was like, and how each related to her. That crayon drawing was simply the expressio…

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Guide to setting up a personal retreat space

Guide to setting up a personal retreat space


If you’re feeling the need for some deep space for your inner work, you might feel drawn to set up your own personal retreat. This guide outlines step-by-step instructions for setting this up — from what to prepare in advance, to setting up the space as you’re starting, to developing a schedule for your retreat, to closing.

The yumminess of retreat-ing

I spent the first week of December in deep retreat space.

No phone notifications buzzing. No TV blaring. No phone calls. No text…

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How to re-engage with your inner work after time away

How to re-engage with your inner work after time away

When you're going through a really difficult time, bringing attention to your inner work may feel totally unavailable. You may find that you're lacking the capacity and any energy whatsoever to engage.

In that situation, it's common to feel shame or guilt around your feelings about the situation or because you're not engaging with your inner work, but that just compounds the painful feeling that's already existing from the original hard situation. And it can make it even harder to come back to …

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How to hear your inner voice

How to hear your inner voice

This is a basic guide to start hearing your inner voice for yourself in your own space. I suggest reading through all of it first, and then you can use the summary at the end to try it for yourself.

The most important aspect of coming to your inner voice is your intention to allow information into your human understanding from source/being/God/love.

This is not intended to channel other entities, nor is it to figure things out from your mind. What I hold space for with all my clients is for th…

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The difference between intuition and inner voice

The difference between intuition and inner voice


In this first post, you’ll first read an introduction that gives a summary of the key terms around intuition and inner voice. Then, below, that you can listen to a session where I’m asking questions from the human to the inner voice and then speaking the answers I hear back.

Below the session audio, you can read a paraphrased summary of the session as well as the full transcript.

Back in January 2022, when I decided to step away from my fledgling business and go even deeper int…

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