Life Direction Clarity

A path to deep knowing that leads to clear understanding about your life purpose, calling, and reason for incarnating.

Who it's for

This is for you if you’re someone who has done a lot of personal growth work, but you still feel lost around your life direction — and this lack of clarity leads to a feeling of unease or downright depression or a deep hunger to understand what you’re actually here for.

Why I'm offering this

A sense that you’re here for more — but what?

Perhaps you’ve explored and learned a lot on your journey, yet you still feel vague about what you’re here for. Maybe you have a sense that you’re here to do something meaningful, something purposeful, something that can help people, bring beauty to the world, or even transform humanity. You’ve looked into what your interests are and developed some skills. But your Big Purpose still seems unclear.

You may have spent years developing in one direction or another but never found that full aligned “Yes!” where you know that you know: this is what I’m here to do; and I’m right here doing it.

Chasing energy doesn’t bring you clarity.

You may have danced your way to heightened energy and experienced ecstatic states, or you’ve learned to meditate and relax and let go of your worries.

You may have followed a train of interest and even passion. Something emerged from there that became what you’re known for, but it’s not clear if that’s your true work. You made what people asked for, served up what clients said they wanted, or did what bosses told you to do. But this train of pleasing people didn’t meet your core alignment. And something inside said: this is not what I’m here for.

No matter what you do, and as far away as you push the awareness of the lack of clarity about your life direction, the niggling feeling that you’re made for more is still there, reemerging when you’re not carefully maintaining your high vibration or your deep relaxation or your hectic lifestyle.

It’s a feeling that you’re lost and you don’t know where to go.

So you chase energy, but no matter how far you follow it, and how high you ride, the wave drops, the pit is low, and somehow you still know, this is just not it.

But if not this, then what?

The answers are all inside you. Accessing them is a skill.

It might sound cliche, but it’s true: the answers are all inside you, deep in your knowing, and when you live at cross-purposes with that knowing, it feels off.

Confidently accessing the answers that are inside you in your external human understanding so that you can intentionally craft a life based on what you KNOW is your life purpose can seem impossible.

That’s because accessing your inner knowing in a systematic, tangible way to receive your inner insights “on demand” is a skill that isn’t commonly known or used. It’s not the “normal” way of getting insights. It’s far more normal to think about it, talk with friends, or be startled here and there by an epiphany. But just because it may not be the mass-energy way of living doesn’t make it impossible.

In fact dropping down into your deep awareness and receiving understanding from your being isn’t that hard. It’s a teachable, facilitatable process. And it’s one that I’ve led many people into.

Though it’s not clear in your human awareness, the purpose that you were born to explore is already known in the deep underlying awareness of your being.

The inner voice work I teach and facilitate involves accessing your inner knowing and speaking directly from your awareness in a way that bypasses the mind’s concepts. I guide you to access this deep space and to speak from it directly. I ask questions to your inner knowing that enable mind-blowing insights to appear in your awareness and be spoken into the recording, which you will listen back to later.

After spending dozens of hours facilitating the inner voice of clients and hundreds of hours facilitating my own inner voice, I’ve become extremely proficient with accessing this space and bringing others into it. I’ve developed a deep understanding of how to craft questions that effectively open the space and move the awareness into the area that needs to be uncovered. I hold the space in the session from my own deep presence, so I can intuitively sense what’s needed.

Why the inner voice process is uniquely able to bring you to clarity around your life direction:

  1. It is designed to bring you conceptual understanding that’s based on your deep knowing.

Understanding your life direction is about having mental clarity with an underlying sense that you know that you know it. The inner voice process is uniquely designed to both take you into the place of deepest knowing and translate the insights perceived there into human language that’s being recorded, which the mind can later listen back to and understand.

  1. It’s effective at both perceiving what blocks your clarity and making it available to release.

While your mind may flounder in various hypotheses and guesses as to what makes it so hard to feel confident in your life direction, your inner voice knows. I can’t count how many times my mind made up a story, but when I asked my inner voice about it, stunningly freeing clarity emerged far beyond what my mind had thought up.

Understanding what is blocking you from seeing while in a place of deep love also brings the potent availability to let go of clinging to old assumptions that may be in the way of clearly perceiving what your life on earth is all about.

  1. It’s an efficient way of moving your awareness to the area of knowing about your life direction.

Asking direct questions enables the awareness to “travel” to the place of knowing around the life direction clarity and access it in human language.

  1. It takes you to the realm of knowing and being and loving that’s beyond concepts.

The knowing you come to during inner voice sessions is far beyond concepts. There’s a depth to it that makes you know that you know — confident in your knowing — and where you can see the purpose, the meaning, the love, that underlies it all.

Just having a concept you can write out on paper, like a business mission statement, isn’t enough. The words of it are not your purpose, just an artifact of it, like an envelope that holds the actual contents of it inside.

The inner voice process takes you into the contents where you receive the depth of it, and you also bring out the concepts so you can remember and use what you received in your external life.

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Wonderful guidance into the depths of my being, eliciting healing and evolution on many levels. Be prepared to face and embrace yourself deeply and leave your mind behind.

— Anders

A 1 on 1 course, coaching, and facilitated journey into life direction clarity

In order to make what’s known in the depths of your being available to your human understanding, I’ll guide you through a process of developing the capacity to speak from your being as the inner voice. With this capacity engaged, we’ll move into addressing whatever is getting in the way of your clarity. Then we’ll move into your core purpose and calling. As we wrap up the package, we’ll end with coming into deep presence and source love.

I’ve designed this process as a 6-session 1 on 1 package that is part course, part coaching, and part facilitated inner voice journey.

  • It’s a course because there’s a specific order of teaching and lessons that will be delivered, and there’s homework, as detailed below.

  • It’s coaching because there’s a human element of invoking your powerful ability to transform and practice in your daily life.

  • It’s facilitated inner voice journey, because the core of all of it is accessing your own inner awareness in conversational form that you can understand and apply in your human life.

Session outline:

This is the general outline I’ve envisioned for this package, but it’s subject to change as we go depending on what you need and what we decide together.

  • Session 1: Meeting the inner voice

    • In this session, we access your inner voice connection and work on what is needed to develop the connection. If there are blocks to hearing, or if there is specific teaching about how to hear, we’ll address that both from human coaching and from your own inner voice.

    • If you’ve never accessed your inner voice before, you might feel some qualms about whether this can work. But know that as your facilitator, it’s my job to get you to your inner voice, and after facilitating many sessions and holding 11 workshops with multiple hot seats in each, I found that I could get pretty much anyone to their inner voice who chose to and opened enough to direction to allow the process.

  • Sessions 2-4: Addressing fears, misassumptions, and other blocks that keep you from easily accessing your inner knowing about your life direction.

    • Why so many sessions on what blocks clarity? 

      You might wonder why we’re spending half the sessions on addressing what blocks your clarity. In fact, that wasn’t my initial draft of the session outline — I started with just one session allocated to this aspect. But when I asked my own inner voice about the viability of bringing clients through the process of coming to life direction clarity via 6 one-on-one sessions, the insight that came was that those who feel so painfully unclear that they would pay for a course like this likely have fear, clingings, and misassumptions that keep them from this knowing percolating naturally towards their awareness. Thus it’s needed to spend much of the sessions removing what is in the way of clarity. When this is removed, the clarity may come.

      So the fact that you’re considering paying for this work indicates there’s likely some fear here. There’s something in the way of your knowing, some pain you feel around this, some blackness, some sense of doubt, that you just can’t know or don’t get to know.

      As I’ve worked with these layers in myself and my clients, it’s became so apparent that underneath blocks like this are other deep-rooted assumptions or painful mental holdings, things being clung to that aren’t serving the human. Your inner voice can see these layers clearly and bring them up in a loving way that you’re ready for to show what’s needed to let them go. So I’m envisioning that for most people, we’ll need to spend multiple sessions on this deep work.

    • Session 2 teaching: How the inner voice brings clarity around blocks and the process of releasing clinging

    • Session 3 teaching: The role of being in seeing the human’s life path

    • Session 4 teaching: Choosing and sovereignty of the human while approaching inner voice

  • Session 5: Your core purpose and calling

    • This will be coming into the specifics that you’re ready to see now about your life direction clarity.

  • Session 6: Diving into love

    • As we wrap up this season of our work together, we’ll end with a session that’s focused on bringing you a direct experience of love and inner presence. It’s about being met in the deepest way you’re ready for by your being.

What will come through this process depends on a few things:

  • Your capacity to open to your own depths, which mostly has to do with inner willingness and aptitude. The actual mechanics of how this works is what I teach and facilitate, and after guiding ~50 to 100 people to successfully access their inner voice connection, I’m confident you’ll be able to do so as well, if you’re truly choosing to open. If we find that you need more help to get enough connection with your inner voice to receive deep wisdom on the topic of your life purpose, we can switch to a more general package around developing your inner voice connection and then come back to this at another time, if you choose.

  • What you’re ready to see now. Once you open to your depths, what comes is what you’re ready for. So though your being doesn’t hide your purpose from you, you also won’t see past your current availability and choosing. However, invariably in my experience, whatever is ready to reveal now comes in ways that are often far beyond the mind’s expectations, and what is in the way of that path becomes clear. Often it means that there is a general view seen at first, and the closer that you come towards it, the more can be unveiled.

  • Your diligence with the required homework. It isn’t enough to simply hear wisdom in comprehensible words from your being. In order to fully understand what you received and allow that wisdom to transform your life, you’ll be required to do at least 3 hours of homework per session, which will include listening back to the session and taking notes, practicing and integrating whatever came up, and writing a recap of how it went that you will email to me. This is one reason that the sessions will occur every other week, so that during your session time on the off weeks, or whenever fits your schedule, you can do the homework.

What will life be like for you with clarity about your life direction?

Your own experience will be unique, but I can share that since accessing clarity about my own purpose, even though life is often challenging, there’s an underlying momentum and confidence that what I’m working on today is in alignment with my core choice and purpose for incarnating. I’m confident I’m working on my life work, and even though it gets really, really hard at times, I feel that the determination and stick-to-itiveness I’ve displayed in 5 years of working on this path without much to show for it in the external world is related to that clarity. There’s a sense that I utterly know that this is what I’m here for, and that has carried me through so much. Shiny objects can’t distract me from my core calling, and I know no matter the external results, I’m doing what I was born to do. And with that confidence, I can continue no matter what.

There’s something about knowing for sure that you’re working on your life mission that carries you through so much darkness. And when you know your purpose, and you’re living it, it feels like you’re singing your own song.

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I have worked intimately with Eva over the past year . . . and trust her completely. She is a profound space holder with an ability to bring a unique perspective to every question and challenge. I’ve never felt more deeply and presently supported in my own personal healing and growth work and in developing and deepening my connection with Inner Voice. She is a gift and truly changed my life. I’m beyond grateful to have found her . . . and forever changed by her work 🤍”

— Shawna A.

Package Details

Inner voice packages include 6 one on one sessions of 60 - 90 minutes, which you can individually book as you're ready. You'll have 4 months to use your sessions.

In order to ensure you receive the benefit of your deep work, I require homework of ~3 hours between each session. If your homework isn't done, you'll need to reschedule your session. You can read more about the homework in the FAQ's below.

Purchase this package

To sign up, click the purchase button below. During the checkout process, choose "Life Direction Clarity" as your package option.

After purchase, you'll be redirected to a page where you can book your first session. My session times are currently set to 10 am or 4 pm Pacific Time on certain weekdays. If needed, you can see what specific times are available now via my single session booking link. If those times don't work for you, email me with your time zone and 3 times that tend to work for you, and we can work something out.

$900, payable at once or in 3 monthly payments of $300 each.

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Eva helped me feel safe and grounded. She provided space and gentle guidance for me to connect with my intuition deeper than I have before. She was in tune with my energy and asked all the right questions to bring forth wisdom from within. I look forward to more sessions with Eva and would definitely recommend working with her if you are wanting to connect with your inner voice!

— Raluca

Frequently asked questions

What's the required homework?

The homework includes the following:

  • Listen back to the session and write down key takeaways

  • Practice anything your inner voice suggested

  • Fill out the worksheet recap of how your homework went by the evening before your next session

    • Receiving your recap enables me to fine-tune your next session and go directly into teaching as we start the session, since I’ll already know how the work is playing out in your life.

    • The recap form I’ll be providing will have prompts to make it relatively easy to summarize what you learned from your session and how you integrated it into your life, as well as what questions it brought up for you.

  • Journal about what comes up for you or what you feel inspired about based on the session (optional).

Based on my own processing time of my sessions, I anticipate it will take you at least 3 hours over the 2 weeks between each session to process, potentially more.

I’ve found integrating sessions to be so pivotal in my own growth that I’m making it not optional — if you're not able to turn in the homework worksheet on time, we'll need to reschedule your next session. This is because each session builds on each other, so we can’t proceed if you haven’t integrated the prior session.

I hope this doesn’t lead to stress and overwhelm for you, and being strict isn’t my favorite 🙁, but it’s what it feels like I authentically need in order to effectively teach, coach, and facilitate your sessions.

So only sign up if you can commit to doing the work between sessions. 😀 However, you can take as long as you need between sessions to complete the homework — just know that you need to use up all the sessions within 4 months.

What will happen during the sessions?

Each session will include a teaching, a facilitated inner voice deep-dive, and a debrief. Most sessions include a teaching handout that includes the main points we cover during the teaching portion.

Canceling and rescheduling sessions

I’m intending to only show up for sessions when I know I’m prepared to facilitate, and I need to trust that when you arrive, you’re ready to do deep work, so if something comes up in your life that makes you unable to bring your full attention to the session, you'll be able to reschedule your session. I won’t charge for cancelations like that, because it’s critical that we both show up to the session ready to do deep work, and sometimes something gets in the way. I’m trusting that you’ll use this policy sparingly, only as needed.

What if something comes up after turning in the homework?

Once you turn in your homework, if something pertinent comes up that you know needs to be addressed in the session, either during the inner voice part, or a question that you need me to answer, please email me prior to the session — I’ll be checking email just before we start. This ensures that as we start the session, I can be confident that I have the information I need to facilitate what you’re ready for that day, so we can jump directly into deep work, making the most of the session time.

What if I don’t get to my inner voice right away?

Because this process may be new to you, your mind may fear that it won’t work for you. While I’ve facilitated for probably 50 to 100 clients and workshop participants who successfully accessed their inner voice, the ability to speak with confidence from your inner voice is a learned skill.

The first session is entirely devoted to teaching you to access your inner voice via facilitation to enough ability to proceed with the package intentions.

If you need more time to develop that skill, we can either redesign your package to devote 1-2 more sessions to developing your inner voice ability while attempting to still come to at least some of the intended aspects of your package, or we can switch to focusing solely on your inner voice development for the remainder of the package.

If that’s the case, you can decide if you want to come back for round 2 at a later time.

If you try the process and decide after the first session that this work isn’t a fit for you, I’ll refund the pro-rated price of your remaining sessions.

What if I have more questions?

Please email me directly at, and I’ll be glad to get back to you.

About Eva Live

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Eva Live is an inner voice facilitator and spiritual coach and teacher who helps clients tune in to hear inner wisdom directly. Raised in evangelical Christianity, she journeyed through deconstruction of religious beliefs in search of what's real. After a spiritual re-awakening, she developed the ability to be led by Source directly into realization and mastery via inner voice conversations.

Read more.
