Connection at the core (when family relationships break)

Connection at the core

A couple weeks ago, I wrote a post around the idea of “A room of one’s own” — exploring the importance of private space to be able to fully express what comes from within. And while that private space is needed, and it's critical, it doesn't discount the vast importance of family relationships and deep shared connection with those we love.

Right after sending that email, I headed off on a working vacation to my brother’s place, intending to help my mom move in to her new setup on my brother’s p…

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A room of one's own

A room of one's own

This week I’ve gotten really curious about how privacy or lack of it affects how much we can hear our inner voice and receive what wants to come through us.

It started from a conversation in the community I’m holding, as participants shared their own versions of feeling affected by dynamics in their home environment that drastically seemed to inhibit their ability to fully drop in and express.

But that’s not the first time, by any means, that I’ve thought about this topic.

In fact, it’s bee…

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The single, solvable root of suffering

The single, solvable root of suffering

When humans try to figure out “what’s wrong with me” or with “us” or with the entire human race, there’s many external conditions we could point to in an attempt to explain the misery we feel that sometimes seems unexplainable.

Whether that’s a dull feeling of dread, a sense of anxiety or depression, the pain of isolation and loneliness, a feeling of unworthiness, or any other of a number of unwelcome painful inner sensations, we’ve all been suffering here. Early in our journey, we likely learn…

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When it’s time to start over

When it’s time to start over

Starting over is f’ing hard, and I’ve done it sooo many times.

  • Moving every 5 years growing up
  • Moving every 1 year as a young adult
  • Leaving my parents’ church
  • Leaving religion
  • Restarting my spiritual journey after divorce
  • Losing the spiritual communities I’d engaged in during Covid
  • Moving (again!) in March of this year

That’s just a smattering of the instances I’ve experienced of starting over, and I’m just jaded. So done. Post 40, it’s feeling a lot harder to move and start over in …

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Building a business “backwards”

Building a business “backwards”

Someone could look at where I’m at now in business building with an entirely unimpressive number of social followers and a small email list, and say, “she’s just starting out”.

But that’s not my truth, 5 years into building a business.

And it’s why a lot of advice for building a business that I see now seems 90% irrelevant. Because it’s assumed that you should start your business from what people want and work towards a product to sell them.

When I hired coaches who taught that, I tried, real…

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What does it mean to be guided?

What does it mean to be guided

I’ve been fascinated by the topic of becoming guided for a long time, but this week I’ve been exploring it at what feels like a whole new level. And I’m sensing vast new arenas open up in me in regards to what being guided from within can mean and can feel like.

So after diving in on this topic with inner voice and then experiencing a really intriguing conversation about this in the Inner Voice Led Mastery community beta I’m holding, I wanted to come in here and share about this with you.

I’d …

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Why clinging stops what's needed from coming

Why clinging stops what's needed from coming

I’ve known for a long time that clinging seems to be a blocker from actually receiving the thing you’re clinging to.

Whether that’s watching my daughter years ago as a toddler cling to that ice cream cone (leading to me feeling entirely unmotivated to provide it), or my own clinging to a companion to share life with, I’ve seen over and over, in big and little ways, clinging blocking.

I even made up a little tool, several years ago, that quickly and easily lets me release whatever it is I’m cli…

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An experiment with “choosing the freeway”

An experiment with “choosing the freeway”

Since I wrote that last post about choosing the freeway, I’ve been trying it out more on myself in my daily life, with some pretty cool results.

An experiment with “choosing the freeway”

For a while, I’ve been working on having an effective routine that works well for my human system, and the more I open up my business, the more critical it feels to do that, as there is a need for spending significant time every day on my inner voice work (including creating what will be library content to sha…

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Choosing the freeway

Choosing the freeway

 This is about what to do when life has you in ruts.

What I’ve noticed has happened in my life and observed in others is an experience of doing the same thing again and again and again, even though it’s not aligned with your life vision or your core choosing to evolve.

That can look like visiting your mom and the same old trigger getting hit and going down (again) that same old sludgy pattern, and you just feel gross. And while you’re feeling gross, you’re also noticing that you never intended…

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Pulling the roses apart

Pulling the roses apart

I’ve been sitting with things that are coming up as I am returning to the world of human relating after an extended cocoon-y experience away.

One thing I’m noticing is one way that humans relate, especially in spiritual communities, is to point out what’s wrong with each other.

It’s kind of assumed that if you’re looking to progress on your journey, then you should want feedback so you can see where you’re stuck, so you can find freedom. But when I recently experienced that dynamic of having s…

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