Mind-led life vs being-guided life

Mind-led vs Being-led life

When life seems to be going well, goals are being achieved, and everything seems to be going your way, it can feel like you have it all together. You're controlling everything, and it seems you'll achieve whatever it is that you want. 

But what often ends up happening is it all falls apart. Now all of a sudden, whatever you were relying on is gone. In that moment, it's instantly clear where your source was placed. And where it wasn't.

Even though it's painful, that's a beautiful space. A poten…

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The 3 levels of relational interaction

The 3 levels of relational interaction

About a month ago, I wrote an email essay called “Can I be met”, exploring the core longing to enter a space of communion with those you love — and how that urge gets co-opted when we give in to habits and “normal” patterns of how humans interact. Since these patterns are used by pretty much all humans in relating, we end up going around feeling constantly unmet at the deepest level when it comes to sharing human love.

The email was meant not only as an invitation to readers to get more authent…

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Can I be met?

Can I be met

In holding some client space recently, the question emerged, Can I be met by my partner / mom / brother / friend / daughter, or do I need to be always left wanting more, wishing for more, trying to forgive, trying to not be resentful that this person never meets me in the ways and at the level that I need?

That question struck me this week as one that goes far beyond an individual human longing and out to the ways pretty much all of us, myself included, feel unsatisfied with relationships.


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How SMART goals squeeze the life out of purpose-full creation

How SMART goals squeeze the life out of purpose-full creation

I used to really enjoy goal setting. Back when I was a project manager several years ago, planning stuff out was pretty much my daily gig. I was good at it, and I really enjoyed it.

But when I veered away from that path and onto this one of inner voice led evolving, there was a choice to move away from a mind-controlled life.

And one of the primary ways the mind had controlled things was through structured planning, via things like SMART goals, to-do lists, vision statements for each area of t…

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Why choosing is vastly different from controlling

Why choosing is vastly different from controlling

After I wrote last week about the need to choose your space so you’re able to regularly come to your inner work, my mind brought up this big objection:

If you’re choosing your space, isn’t that just more mind control?

Since we know the mind attempts to control pretty much everything, but we’re learning to live beyond these methods of control, then when it comes time to hold an inner voice session, meditate, or tune in to what’s awakening inside you, it can be off-putting when the mind puts its…

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You’re going to need to choose your space

You’re going to need to choose your space

If all your energy is drained away to what you didn’t choose, there’s nothing left.

Nothing for your passion.

Nothing for your purpose.

Nothing for your soul calling.

In recent emails, I’ve been exploring this phenomenon of life sending all kinds of distractions your way right when you’re trying to make steps towards what you’re really here for.

And last week, I dove into how the victim mindset plays a part here: believe that life is hard and you don’t get to choose, and you’ll end up e…

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Why life throws distractions your way when you come towards inner work

Why life throws distractions your way when you come towards inner work

In last week's post,I wrote about the pain we often feel when there’s a sense that something big, something meaningful, something from source, is available and needed to come through you, yet there’s not enough space.

As I’ve been reflecting on that post and the 4 obstructions that I’ve observed (see below), it’s really hitting home that a big part of my work needs to be coaching to move beyond these obstacles, so that my teaching becomes a way out. A way out of what’s holding you back from com…

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When there’s not enough space for what’s seeking to come through you

When there’s not enough space for what’s seeking to come through you

In my last post, I explored a reason why pain persists despite applying all kinds of inner healing work to that part of your life.

I shared about the epiphany I received around “the gap that brings pain”: When there’s a dichotomy between what you’ve experienced in your inner places and what you observe in the external world, that’s prone to cause you to feel pain — until you’ve allowed it so thoroughly that your being permeates that space and is only in love there, in the middle of the gap.

A …

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Why pain persists

Why pain persists

The pain of isolation and loneliness has been my biggest life-long trigger of suffering. It’s popped up in incredibly numerous ways. Hidden away for a time when in a season of exponential growth or buried in the arms of a lover, or in those seasons when I felt really met in a caring community.

And then it re-emerges.

I thought by taking a long term path into inner healing with every form of energy work and spiritual practices, it would get healed.

But it hasn’t.

This week I received a surpri…

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A room of one's own

A room of one's own

This week I’ve gotten really curious about how privacy or lack of it affects how much we can hear our inner voice and receive what wants to come through us.

It started from a conversation in the community I’m holding, as participants shared their own versions of feeling affected by dynamics in their home environment that drastically seemed to inhibit their ability to fully drop in and express.

But that’s not the first time, by any means, that I’ve thought about this topic.

In fact, it’s bee…

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