What you’re “meant” to do

What you’re “meant” to do

A couple months ago, I was on the phone with a friend, and he was talking about whether he wanted to be exclusive in his new relationship. As we were chatting, I was also driving towards the beach near my home. I glanced up, and there on the side of the road was a real estate sign, and the sign said "Exclusively by . . .".This kind of stuff happens all the time.

And when it happens to you, it's easy to assume that that sign is your direction. It means what you're "meant to" do. It's the direction you were seeking, and so then you assume you should go and do what it says.

But it can also feel rather hollow.

So this week as I was preparing for the upcoming workshop on "Beyond Superstition", I brought this question down to inner wisdom: "is there something you're 'meant' to do?"

There seems to be a common assumption that there's something you're meant to do, and life is about trying to find that. But it feels to me like it's simultaneously assuming that you're alone in the world, God/Spirit/Source doesn't care about you individually, and it's your job as a human to try to make God/Being care enough about you to give you the direction you so desperately need.

So when you see a sign on the side of the road related to your current life question, it can feel like it's a sign that you're loved and you matter, but only just enough for some symbol to appear.

But not enough to meet you all the way to your core.

While I'm still exploring this, the message I'm receiving from my inner voice is that 'superstition . . . is not so much incorrect as it is incomplete.' The 'mattering and loving goes far beyond seeing a sign that points to what the humans were saying.'

If you're feeling resonance with this topic and you're ready to explore what's beyond the surface level of signs and symbols and times on the clock in your personal connection with the divine, supernatural source within you, check out this workshop.

[Note: I'm offering the pre-recorded workshop for sale via the link below.]

Access the Workshop


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